My focus in my studies has several names in the industry depending on who you ask:
- Health Care Business Intelligence (BI)
- Health Care Administration Analytics or Informatics
I'm really excited to say, I have a a lot of homework already assigned! Woo hoo! I will not bore you with all my homework, but I hope to pick a focus area each week and blog about it. Today, I'll tell you about my Medicare and Medicaid course (as he's the first professor to post the syllabus).
I hope to blog these experiences regularly to inspire those of you to follow your dreams and embark on an adventure such as this on your own.
This week, the learning objective in the Medicare and Medicaid course is to
Characterize the aging population and review patterns of health service use
some of the readings are 'surfing' assignments (my hasn't school changed!) and are focused on statistics involving 'old people'
Next week for this course, we have a field trip to Chicago to visit the American Medical Association and the American Hospital Association.
This is so wonderful that you are doing this.